tarot layout spreads

When mastering the Tarot, if such things ever exist, you will not think anymore about a specific Tarot layout spreads, one card, two, three, does not matter anymore. However in the begining of your journey having defined layout spreads will support in your first steps in reading your cards; Here are few exemples:

2-Card question Tarot Spread representing the question and the answer or the problem and the solution

Your question The answer, solution, outcome,

Tarot card reverse side, how to draw the Cards

The past/Before/The problem

3-Card Tarot Spread representing the past, present, and future

The present/Now/The action

3-Card Tarot Spread representing the Problem, the Action, and the outcome

The future/After/The outcome


In three months

In six months

In one year

⚠️ The further into the future an event lies, the harder it becomes to discern it through tarot readings.

Up = The current problem or the question.

Left = The consultant (you), strengths, your advantages.

Right = Unforeseen events, obstacles.

Down= The outcome, the short and medium term theme.

⚠️ You can add a fifth card for the synthesis, but adding more cards can also complicate the reading

Up = Him, her.

Down+Left+Up = The dynamic from you to him/her

Up+Right+Down=The dynamic from him/her to you

Down= Me, you.


The four couples in the TAROT court cards